Dear One,
It is time I began my love ministry.
It is so painfully obvious to me that Love,
indeed IS the only answer to our big, nasty
mess in the world. Most of us do not have
the training we need in Love. We have
parents, ministers, teachers and leaders
that do not understand Love. But we know
it when we are in the presence of it.
We consult our egos before, during, and
after our interactions with others, our daily
decisions, and our major plans. But we are
missing the point in so many ways. I plan
to write here in these pages my awareness
of how and where love works and where it's
absence hurts us even when we aren't
aware of it directly.
I see in every day behaviors my own lack
of love and hope that in exploring it more
in depth I can begin to make better, more
loving choices, choosing Heaven on Earth,
with my beloved brothers and sisters (and
that means my entire family, friends,
neighbors, and world at large).
If you don't think the world matters to you,
take a look in your closet or pantry. There
are things you have in your home that have
come from so far away... shipped all the way
here on a tanker.
Someone designed, grew, assembled, picked,
packaged, sold, transported, stocked, unpacked,
accounted for, or managed those who did in
unimagined numbers. We truly are all connected
in ways we don't stop to consider.
If you live off the land in the woods off the grid
then you are still affected by every bit of
pollution, waste, and material use in the breath
you take. (Plastic fibers are in the air every
where and global climate change is happening
each and every day somewhere in the world).
I had been feeling hopeless, despairing of any
way to stop this global egoic madness but now
realize it is my call to ask for each and every
one of us to start living from Love instead of
Egoic Fear. Love for ourselves, for each
other, for our precious home Earth, because
it ALL comes back to us eventually.
Our choice to choose Love over Selfish Ego
fears (a fountain of self-fulfilling prophesy)
is the answer to ALL of the world's issues.
Are they complex and messy and inter-
related in ways we cannot untangle? Of
course! They have had aeons to develop.
But we don't have aeons to turn them
around. The time for Love is now and I
plan to start a daily mindfulness about
how and where love can prevail as a
better choice.
Starting today, now, I decided to NOT
do any of the other important (and not
so important) tasks that are constanly
pulling at me and I chose to start my
Love Ministry. Here and Now. With
this first choice.
Thank You for participating at any
level you can. With a prayer, a
blessing, a kindness shown ANY
person or animal or the Earth. I
plan to start asking myself with
each choice I am making, "Is this
TRULY good for me in the long term?
as well as good for the entire world
long term?"
We cannot make more loving
choices and decisions and actions
without questioning them first.
It's the start of a New Way Of Life
for ALL of us, Please join me here
and let's make it happen together,
Blessings to Us All,
It is time I began my love ministry.
It is so painfully obvious to me that Love,
indeed IS the only answer to our big, nasty
mess in the world. Most of us do not have
the training we need in Love. We have
parents, ministers, teachers and leaders
that do not understand Love. But we know
it when we are in the presence of it.
We consult our egos before, during, and
after our interactions with others, our daily
decisions, and our major plans. But we are
missing the point in so many ways. I plan
to write here in these pages my awareness
of how and where love works and where it's
absence hurts us even when we aren't
aware of it directly.
I see in every day behaviors my own lack
of love and hope that in exploring it more
in depth I can begin to make better, more
loving choices, choosing Heaven on Earth,
with my beloved brothers and sisters (and
that means my entire family, friends,
neighbors, and world at large).
If you don't think the world matters to you,
take a look in your closet or pantry. There
are things you have in your home that have
come from so far away... shipped all the way
here on a tanker.
Someone designed, grew, assembled, picked,
packaged, sold, transported, stocked, unpacked,
accounted for, or managed those who did in
unimagined numbers. We truly are all connected
in ways we don't stop to consider.
If you live off the land in the woods off the grid
then you are still affected by every bit of
pollution, waste, and material use in the breath
you take. (Plastic fibers are in the air every
where and global climate change is happening
each and every day somewhere in the world).
I had been feeling hopeless, despairing of any
way to stop this global egoic madness but now
realize it is my call to ask for each and every
one of us to start living from Love instead of
Egoic Fear. Love for ourselves, for each
other, for our precious home Earth, because
it ALL comes back to us eventually.
Our choice to choose Love over Selfish Ego
fears (a fountain of self-fulfilling prophesy)
is the answer to ALL of the world's issues.
Are they complex and messy and inter-
related in ways we cannot untangle? Of
course! They have had aeons to develop.
But we don't have aeons to turn them
around. The time for Love is now and I
plan to start a daily mindfulness about
how and where love can prevail as a
better choice.
Starting today, now, I decided to NOT
do any of the other important (and not
so important) tasks that are constanly
pulling at me and I chose to start my
Love Ministry. Here and Now. With
this first choice.
Thank You for participating at any
level you can. With a prayer, a
blessing, a kindness shown ANY
person or animal or the Earth. I
plan to start asking myself with
each choice I am making, "Is this
TRULY good for me in the long term?
as well as good for the entire world
long term?"
We cannot make more loving
choices and decisions and actions
without questioning them first.
It's the start of a New Way Of Life
for ALL of us, Please join me here
and let's make it happen together,
Blessings to Us All,