Dear One,
Have you ever noticed how sometimes during the day you just start to wither and wilt like an unwatered flower? Have you ever been about to make a phone call and just had so little energy for the call that you just wanted to quit and go home?Do you ever go home after a long (or short!) stressful day and not want to greet your spouse or kids because you just don’t have the energy ?
I learned this handy little (but oh, so POWERFUL) skill from the esteemed healer and Spring Forest Qigong Master Chunyi Lin. After practicing it a few times, I was convinced it could be one of the most valuable tools in my arsenal (not to be confused with the tools I pull out of my arse).
Take a moment to breathe consciously. It will relax your body more quickly if you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth 3 or more times. ( I recommend doing this before eating too, as it helps your body switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system for digestion.
Relaxed just a bit? Now focus on the bright energy ball in the pit of your stomach, just behind and a bit below your navel. This is known as the "Lower Dantian" and it is a powerhouse of stored energy in your own body.
Feel this bright energy ball inside of you and let it slowly grow. Grow it until it starts to permeate every cell of your body. Let it grow out of your belly and up into your chest, out your arms, down your legs out to your hands and feet. Feel it grow up into your neck and head. This bright energy ball is now flooding your whole body, cell by cell and infusing it with healing, energizing light.
As long as you are playing in this light, you may as well focus it and send it to anywhere in your body that needs healing. This includes an achy, breaky heart if it applies to you.
Feel in to the experience of this new bright energy coursing through your body. Now you are ready to tackle that next task, make that dreaded phone call or greet your family with the love you have for them. (or write that blog post! :-D).
Play with this and see how it works for you when you remember to use it. That is my biggest challenge…to use THIS instead of a piece of chocolate, handful of nuts or just opening and closing the refrigerator door.
If you have natural energy boosts yourself that you like, I’d love it if you would share them in the comments below.
In Joy,
Have you ever noticed how sometimes during the day you just start to wither and wilt like an unwatered flower? Have you ever been about to make a phone call and just had so little energy for the call that you just wanted to quit and go home?Do you ever go home after a long (or short!) stressful day and not want to greet your spouse or kids because you just don’t have the energy ?
I learned this handy little (but oh, so POWERFUL) skill from the esteemed healer and Spring Forest Qigong Master Chunyi Lin. After practicing it a few times, I was convinced it could be one of the most valuable tools in my arsenal (not to be confused with the tools I pull out of my arse).
Take a moment to breathe consciously. It will relax your body more quickly if you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth 3 or more times. ( I recommend doing this before eating too, as it helps your body switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system for digestion.
Relaxed just a bit? Now focus on the bright energy ball in the pit of your stomach, just behind and a bit below your navel. This is known as the "Lower Dantian" and it is a powerhouse of stored energy in your own body.
Feel this bright energy ball inside of you and let it slowly grow. Grow it until it starts to permeate every cell of your body. Let it grow out of your belly and up into your chest, out your arms, down your legs out to your hands and feet. Feel it grow up into your neck and head. This bright energy ball is now flooding your whole body, cell by cell and infusing it with healing, energizing light.
As long as you are playing in this light, you may as well focus it and send it to anywhere in your body that needs healing. This includes an achy, breaky heart if it applies to you.
Feel in to the experience of this new bright energy coursing through your body. Now you are ready to tackle that next task, make that dreaded phone call or greet your family with the love you have for them. (or write that blog post! :-D).
Play with this and see how it works for you when you remember to use it. That is my biggest challenge…to use THIS instead of a piece of chocolate, handful of nuts or just opening and closing the refrigerator door.
If you have natural energy boosts yourself that you like, I’d love it if you would share them in the comments below.
In Joy,