Dear One,
We model the beliefs of our parents, society and culture as well as create beliefs about our experiences without even realizing it. Then we make what we believe come true, or at least seem to come true, in three ways:
First, when you believe something or someone is a certain way, you focus your mind and attention on it. This creates a filter that you unwittingly use to allow or disallow experiences to have certain meanings. It may show up in what compliments you allow yourself to hear and accept, or in how you interpret someone’s behavior.
If you believe you are not safe with your partner, boss, sibling or parent and you are fearful, you may interpret their neutral, innocent, or even POSITIVE actions and behaviors as being against you. You may come to see them as “the enemy” even when they are on your side.
This filtering causes you to magnetize or repel the people, things and situations that will cause your belief to seem to be true.
The second way you make what you believe come true is by imagining that it’s true and interpreting experiences in a distorted way that makes it seem true. We seek out proof of what we believe and ignore what proves otherwise.
Our body doesn’t know the difference between what we imagine and what we actually experience. Ever wake up safe in bed from a dream about being chased and your heart is pounding out of your chest? It was your belief that created the reality in your body.
The third way is by acting or not acting in a way that causes what you believe to come true. Our choices are based on what we believe will happen or not based on our thoughts and feelings about who we are and our model of the world. Am I capable or lucky or talented or smart or pretty ENOUGH? Is the world a safe place that supports me or a dog-eat-dog place that will crush me? Am I worthy of love or not?
Brain studies show that we have already made a decision before we consciously know our decision. I will write more about that in the coming week. It is a fascinating topic.
So…to be happier, decide what to believe based on how resourceful it will be for your happiness. Reinforce those beliefs and make them come true by focusing your mind and attention on them. Imagine your new, resourceful beliefs to be true as often as possible and filter your experiences to seek proof of what you WANT to believe.
You will soon find you can act in a way that causes your desired beliefs to come true. When you believe yourself worthy of love, you will attract and choose those who have the capacity for love. When you believe yourself worthy of love, you will be open to receive the love they share. When you believe yourself worthy of love, you will notice all of the love you are surrounded by.
Believing in Your Loveliness,
We model the beliefs of our parents, society and culture as well as create beliefs about our experiences without even realizing it. Then we make what we believe come true, or at least seem to come true, in three ways:
First, when you believe something or someone is a certain way, you focus your mind and attention on it. This creates a filter that you unwittingly use to allow or disallow experiences to have certain meanings. It may show up in what compliments you allow yourself to hear and accept, or in how you interpret someone’s behavior.
If you believe you are not safe with your partner, boss, sibling or parent and you are fearful, you may interpret their neutral, innocent, or even POSITIVE actions and behaviors as being against you. You may come to see them as “the enemy” even when they are on your side.
This filtering causes you to magnetize or repel the people, things and situations that will cause your belief to seem to be true.
The second way you make what you believe come true is by imagining that it’s true and interpreting experiences in a distorted way that makes it seem true. We seek out proof of what we believe and ignore what proves otherwise.
Our body doesn’t know the difference between what we imagine and what we actually experience. Ever wake up safe in bed from a dream about being chased and your heart is pounding out of your chest? It was your belief that created the reality in your body.
The third way is by acting or not acting in a way that causes what you believe to come true. Our choices are based on what we believe will happen or not based on our thoughts and feelings about who we are and our model of the world. Am I capable or lucky or talented or smart or pretty ENOUGH? Is the world a safe place that supports me or a dog-eat-dog place that will crush me? Am I worthy of love or not?
Brain studies show that we have already made a decision before we consciously know our decision. I will write more about that in the coming week. It is a fascinating topic.
So…to be happier, decide what to believe based on how resourceful it will be for your happiness. Reinforce those beliefs and make them come true by focusing your mind and attention on them. Imagine your new, resourceful beliefs to be true as often as possible and filter your experiences to seek proof of what you WANT to believe.
You will soon find you can act in a way that causes your desired beliefs to come true. When you believe yourself worthy of love, you will attract and choose those who have the capacity for love. When you believe yourself worthy of love, you will be open to receive the love they share. When you believe yourself worthy of love, you will notice all of the love you are surrounded by.
Believing in Your Loveliness,